Happy Fiscal New Year 2023!
After taking a moment to collect ourselves, the ASBA GR team has pored over the budget and produced a comprehensive summary for your reading pleasure.
The state’s fiscal year 2022-2023 officially began on July 1, and since the Auditor General was finally able to produce the correct budget forms, your friendly neighborhood business official is no doubt busily trying to figure out how your district budget looks as the school year approaches.
Stay tuned for the date and time of the annual ASBA/AASBO Legislative Session/budget wrap-up webinar, which should be happening shortly. In this webinar we will recap the budget and touch on important bills from the session you should be aware of.
There Are Always a few Stragglers
The Legislature sent its last batch of bills to the governor’s desk when it adjourned, and by law the governor gets a little extra time to decide what to do with them—ten days not including Sundays, as opposed to the standard five. Most of them are non-controversial, except for one, which our money says won’t be signed until the last possible day. By our count, there are six bills we have been watching outstanding (if no link is provided it means the bill was amended and an updated summary is not yet available):
HB 2853 Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts; appropriation (Toma)
SB 1159 teacher certification; leadership preparation programs (Gray)
SB1246 school buses; electrification contracts (Boyer)
SB 1361 exchange programs; certificates of convenience (Boyer)
SB 1682 juveniles; educational classes; discretionary (Gonzales)
Until Next Time
The next time you hear from us will be later this week when all bills are signed and summaries are updated. We hope you are having a safe and enjoyable summer.